Monday, September 2, 2013

I can't believe we have been back in school for almost a month now and this is the first chance I've had to post! Beginning of the year in Kindergarten is exhausting and time consuming BUT I wouldn't want to be teaching anywhere else! Not only do the children have to learn school and classroom rules but just understanding how school "works" takes time. "I'm tired of working. When are we going to play?" were words I heard quite often!! I think they now realize that we work first and play second.

We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other and playing many name games along the way. We have worked on cutting (wish they did more of this in pre-K), gluing, and coloring. Lessons on listening and following directions have been plentiful in my classroom also. As I tell my kinders, those are the two most important lessons they will learn - we have to do those two all of our lives!

 Some of my favorite activities for the beginning of the year revolve around these books:

What are some books and activities that you use to begin the school year?
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